It is time to renew your annual Ark-AHEAD memberships. (Memberships run January 1 through December 30).
Ark-AHEAD Membership Categories
$10 – Student
$25 – Professional – Individual in Higher Education
$25 – Professional – Individual at an Agency other than a college/university
$65 – One Institutional Membership (3 members)
$100 – Two Institutional Memberships (6 members) **
** Institutional Membership – for more than 6 memberships, please complete a Membership Application for each additional person to be included with your Educational or Agency Institution. Each membership will cost $25.
Ark-AHEAD membership dues may be paid via check, purchase order, or via PayPal (including credit cards). Visit website link below to renew your membership TODAY!
Pay Membership (click link to find mail in form or pay online):https://arkahead.org/membership/
Note: When processing your membership, please request that your membership renewal form be included with payment/purchase order. This will ensure that your membership dues are applied to your membership.
Why join Ark-AHEAD?
- Discounted registration for conferences and workshops.
- Network with professional colleagues from around the state.
- Access to the association’s listserv, which provides a forum for posting job announcements, publicizing events, seeking input on important issues, AND MORE!
- Allows your voice to be heard on issues of concern to people with disabilities in the higher education setting